Church Scientific is a project of Faith-in-Scholarship in partnership with Blenheim Baptist Church. Launched last October, it seeks to help Christian students and researchers in science-related subjects to explore how a Christian worldview might enhance their scientific work. We believe Church Scientific is unique in bringing Christianity to bear on scientific work in three ways:

  1. It explores and develops a Christian philosophy of science;
  2. It examines the processes of research and discovery, seeking to help scientists in their endeavours;
  3. It addresses scientists in the communal context of Christian fellowship, including the church.

The core of the project is a series of scientists’ workshops. These ran in Leeds in autumn 2016, with six different speakers presenting a total of nine talks to a group of around 15 participants. These talks picked up from the overarching question, “Could a Christian worldview contribute to science?” by unpacking some of the ideas that philosopher Elaine Storkey had laid out in her talk at the launch event. There’s more detail about the talks in this post at

The next phase is a series of science café evenings. In each of five evenings, three participants will give short talks about an area of research that they are currently pursuing, mentioning any ways in which a Christian worldview might be having an influence in their work. After each talk, an audience (hopefully drawn from churches across Leeds) will take some time in small groups to discuss what they’ve heard, and come up with some ideas and questions for the speaker. Then there’ll be a period of conversation with the speaker, so that everyone can benefit from the combined wisdom and creativity of the whole group. So we’re not putting scientists on pedestals to expound knowledge so much as seeking to bring faithful scholars into conversation with fellow believers and followers of Christ.  I’m excited to see how this works out!

The third and final phase will be a conference to bring together the best of what’s been shared in the earlier parts of the project. This will also provide an opportunity for refinement and development of ideas that are taking shape as we go along. The format of the conference is still being discussed, but we envisage it taking place around July 2017, somewhere in Leeds. Watch this space!

So far Church Scientific has a northern feel: located in Leeds, it’s funded by a Scientists in Congregations project based at St John’s College Durham, along with Blenheim Baptist Church (Leeds) and Wetherby Baptist Church (North Yorkshire). But next year we also hope to take it to new locations – subject to funding, of course! For all the news, you can follow us on Facebook.

Richard Gunton
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Richard Gunton

Richard is the Director of Faith-in-Scholarship at Thinking Faith Network. He's also a senior lecturer in data science at Queen Mary University of London. His passions include Reformational philosophy, history of sciences, and wildlife gardening. He worships, and occasionally preaches, at St Mary's Church in Portchester. [Views expressed here are his own.]