In this short piece I want to explore the power of crafting and asking good questions.
Picture it. I am talking to a non-Christian social worker, let’s call her Susan. My wife and I are foster carers for a young man from Eritrea and so this is just part of my work life. I have already told Susan some of my stories and she has been responsive and positive.
I have been studying Psalm 110 and I ask this question. “What do you think Jesus is doing right now?” She smiles warmly and tells me: “I think Jesus is very unhappy with all the horrible things going on in the world.”
This allows me to unpack Psalm 110. “In my view Jesus is ruling His very broken world from His HQ in heaven. He is also listening to and answering the many prayers He hears.”
Susan is alert, attentive and engaged. I decide to ask another question. “So what do you think Hitler is doing right now?”
I was surprised but encouraged by her response. “I think he is probably in hell because of all the terrible evil he did.”
I responded like this: “I think you are probably right but I would just like to add that if Hitler had genuinely repented, then he could have received the forgiveness of his sins and avoided the miseries of hell. In my view when anybody turns away from evil and believes in Jesus, all their sins are wiped away and they have the hope of the resurrection and will live with Jesus in the new heaven and the new earth.”
Susan didn’t become a Christian after this conversation but my two questions about Jesus and Hitler certainly got her thinking.
Psalm 110 is the most quoted psalm in the New Testament. Study it today and use it in mission. “The Lord said to my lord, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.”
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