Mysticism and Pagan Philosophy

Mysticism and Pagan Philosophy

Steve Bishop and I are delighted that the journal Foundations has just published our article: THE “C…

The Poignant Story of Jack Clemo, the Deaf and Blind Cornish Poet

The Poignant Story of Jack Clemo, the Deaf and Blind Cornish Poet

The deaf and blind poet Jack Clemo was born in 1916 in the beautiful county of Cornwall. His father,…

The Inspiring Faith of Harriet Tubman (1822-1913)

The Inspiring Faith of Harriet Tubman (1822-1913)

Last week my wife, Anne and I watched the film Harriet which is based on the true and very inspiring…

The Inspiring Story of Anne Boleyn

The Inspiring Story of Anne Boleyn

Anne Boleyn (1500 – 1536) is famous because she was married for three years to Henry the 8th. …

The Crazy Adventures of a Scottish Missionary in a Cannibal Land

The Crazy Adventures of a Scottish Missionary in a Cannibal Land

James Chalmers was born in Scotland in 1841. He loved adventure, messing about in boats and on sever…

I urge you to follow the Jedi Faith

I urge you to follow the Jedi Faith

My name is Don and I’m drinking lager in my local pub. I believe that individual choice is sacred. F…

The Inspiring Story of George Muller and the Orphans

The Inspiring Story of George Muller and the Orphans

George Muller was born in Prussia (now Germany) in 1805. As a young man he was a real tearaway. He w…

The Inspiring Story of Catherine Booth and the Model Match Factory

The Inspiring Story of Catherine Booth and the Model Match Factory

Catherine Booth was born in Derbyshire in 1829. When she was a young girl the family moved to the Ea…

REtoday publishes this article on Windows on Worldviews

REtoday publishes this article on Windows on Worldviews

I am delighted that REtoday has just published this article about our Worldview film resource. It ha…

Elizabeth Fry, Prison Reform and how the BBC tells her Story

Elizabeth Fry, Prison Reform and how the BBC tells her Story

Elizabeth Gurney was born in Norwich on the 21st May, 1780. She was the daughter of John Gurney, a Q…

Augustine on Psalm 137 and How Platonism Corrupted the Christian Faith

Augustine on Psalm 137 and How Platonism Corrupted the Christian Faith

I remember talking to a non-Christian friend several years ago. I tried to talk to her about God and…

Doreen, the Altruist, is attacked by a Doberman Pinscher

Doreen, the Altruist, is attacked by a Doberman Pinscher

Doreen was a very selfless woman and she had devoted her life to the service of others. She was the …

George Cadbury, Jim Skillen and Christian Responsibilities

George Cadbury, Jim Skillen and Christian Responsibilities

The Christian political thinker Jim Skillen has spent many years unpacking how Jesus Christ is Lord …

The Parable of Jack Leonard and his Hollywood Buddhist Faith

The Parable of Jack Leonard and his Hollywood Buddhist Faith

Jack Leonard was one of the most famous Hollywood A listed stars in the world. He had starred in som…

Evangelism Without the Cringe Factor

Evangelism Without the Cringe Factor

Last month I was in London delivering a RealityBites assembly about Cheryl Cole’s consumerist faith …

Serving God as a Detective

Serving God as a Detective

William Sleeman was one of the most accomplished and innovative detectives ever to have lived. He wa…

William Carey, the Baptist Father of Missions

William Carey, the Baptist Father of Missions

William Carey was born in the village of Paulerspury, 10 miles south of Northampton, on the 7th Augu…

Mafia Mobsters and Windows on Worldviews

Mafia Mobsters and Windows on Worldviews

Windows on Worldviews: exploring secular beliefs in A-level and GCSE Philosophy, Ethics and Religiou…

Adolf goes Camping

Adolf goes Camping

Frau Beckstein lived in Austria at the fag end of the 19th century. She was a noble and idealistic s…

Thor’s not Happy

Thor’s not Happy

Thor, the Norse hammer chucker, is not a happy god! In this exclusive interview we get the low down …

New Age Faith and the Cosmic Ordering Service

New Age Faith and the Cosmic Ordering Service

Barbel Mohr was a best-selling German author who wrote the book The Cosmic Ordering Service: A Guide…

Science Worship and Mass Murder

Science Worship and Mass Murder

Consider two conversations about Science and God on the streets of Leeds. Less Fruitful Conversation…

Serving God as Cobblers and French Teachers

Serving God as Cobblers and French Teachers

How can we serve God outside the church sphere? Many Christians today are aware of the problem of du…

Sex and the Revival of Epicureanism

Sex and the Revival of Epicureanism

It was a very good evening last night. Justin Brierley interviewed Andrew Bunt and Charlie Bell on o…

Apologetics, Jesus Dreams and Eric Cantona

Apologetics, Jesus Dreams and Eric Cantona

In the Bible there are many stories of God speaking to people in dreams. In Genesis chapter 41 God s…

Magi, Tiberius, Astrology and Murder

Magi, Tiberius, Astrology and Murder

During this advent season we often think about the Magi who came to worship Jesus. We don’t know if …

Cannibalism really works for us

Cannibalism really works for us

I remember going to the doctor twenty years ago. I was suffering from panic attacks. I told the doct…

How Hollywood Films Evangelise us

How Hollywood Films Evangelise us

Hollywood films are great to enjoy over a carton of popcorn. Enjoy but be discerning. They often pro…

Expressive Individualism and Genghis Khan

Expressive Individualism and Genghis Khan

In the past many believed in the Bible and God’s Word. A few still do. Then secularism destroyed thi…

Zen and the Art of Forest Conservation

Zen and the Art of Forest Conservation

Tokusan (780 – 865) was a tough and cantankerous Chinese Zen master. He wielded a menacing bam…

RE teacher talking

Playlets with Purpose

RealityBites’ lively new theatre-in-education project plans to bring Christian perspectives an…

How to worship trees today

How to worship trees today

You might have heard of the expression ‘touch wood’. It is a popular saying in the UK. It is a relic…

Trees, Forests and Worldviews

Trees, Forests and Worldviews

I’ve been thinking a lot about trees recently. I love them. We have some great trees where we live i…

The Inspiring Story of August Francke who transformed a German City

The Inspiring Story of August Francke who transformed a German City

Story August Francke (1663 – 1727) was a German preacher and social reformer who established a…

Jimmy Savile’s Worldview

Jimmy Savile’s Worldview

The Danger of Trusting in Lucky Charms

The Danger of Trusting in Lucky Charms

Putin and Dawkins: why I’m tempted to return to the atheism of my youth

Putin and Dawkins: why I’m tempted to return to the atheism of my youth

Do you pray to a 350cc Royal Enfield Bullet motorbike?

Do you pray to a 350cc Royal Enfield Bullet motorbike?

Telling RB Stories in the toughest area in Leeds

Telling RB Stories in the toughest area in Leeds

Gangster Films and Discipleship

Gangster Films and Discipleship

Why Go out on the Streets at Night?

Why Go out on the Streets at Night?

Albert Camus, Old Ladies, Human Rights and Newcastle United

Albert Camus, Old Ladies, Human Rights and Newcastle United

Couple using selfie stick

Kim Kardashian, Selfies and the Cult of Physical Perfection

Buddhist boy in water

Buddhist Despair with Rampant Consumerism

Hope and Despair signpost

Jean-Paul Sartre and Other Backsliding Atheists

Mark Roques

Mary’s Biblical worldview

Person with rope around their head

Slavery, Cruelty and Nietzsche

Hand holding pipe

The Handyman and his Faith in Science

Mark Roques on paganism

Goliath’s Pagan Worldview

Hobbes quote

Mr Khan has killed 400 girls

Slave Chronicles banner

Confident, Imaginative Disciples are Urgently Required

Ministry to Sixth Formers

Compare and Contrast Approach to Discipleship

Lottery Winners Conference

Sumo Wrestling and Colossians 2:15

Black Lives and Dangerous Ideologies

Human Trafficking and Discipleship

Beau Brummell and the Dandy Faith

Shay Cullen and Human Trafficking

Do not trust in these gods!

Become a Consumerist Today

What is Evil?

Is Prince Philip the Chosen One?

The Baptist Times on RealityBites

Student Ministry in Leeds is Expanding

Fantastic Feedback to my conference on Mafia hitmen, Jesus and Satan

Superstition can lead to Murder

Student Ministry in Leeds

Young People Serving the Technology god

How to evangelise with Mafia boss Toto Riina to help you

Parable of the French Teacher

From food to Jesus

Ebola Outbreak in DRC is welcomed by some!

Somerset Maugham and the Fear of Final Judgment

Queen Victoria and the Occult

Jodie Chesney, knife crime and the false worship of maths and science

Iron sharpens Iron: Fifty Questions for Radical Disciples

Tudor History and Evangelism

RealityBites and International Students

Scorpion Kick and God

Dangerous Faith in Infinite Progress

Transformation of Work

Parable of Touch Wood

Sixth Form Conference on Materialism and Human Trafficking

Parable about the Church of Maradona

Asking Explosive Questions about Jesus and Hitler

August Francke and his Christian vision for a German city

Dangerous Faith in Artificial Intelligence

From Prince Philip to Jesus (article in the Baptist Times)

Neymar 100% Jesus?

Craig Bartholomew

Why the World is Failing by Craig Bartholomew

Conversations with Dutch teachers and students

Frank Sinatra on Christian Faith

Sumo Wrestling and Faith in Salt

Dangerous Faith in the Enneagram

Katie Price can help us talk about Christian faith

Mafia Conference in Doncaster

Dangerous Faith in Santa Muerte

From Maradona to Jesus

Talking to an atheist about Eric Harris

RealityBites in Crete

Jehoshaphat, Jihadists and Evil

The gospel, the fakir and the bed of nails

How Evangelism can be Fun

Teenagers are intrigued by Mafiosi and the gospel!

Bespoke Evangelism and Fish and Chips

Bespoke Evangelism: Vinnie Jones prays to his granddad!

Bespoke Evangelism and the Duke of Edinburgh

Fantastic reviews of my new book by a scholar and a vicar

Can evangelism be fun?

Virtual Lifeworlds and Mission

Bishop Nick and Mark Roques

Delighted to be photographed with Bishop Nick with my new book

Death of a Roman Legion

RealityBites in Doncaster

Summary and praise for The Spy, The Rat and the Bed of Nails

Talking to a Mexican in Morocco about RealityBites

Nico Rosberg’s materialist faith

Talking to a Muslim lad about Jesus

Ivan the Terrible and Jesus

Anti-materialist spiel

Is the Duke of Edinburgh a god?

Yin and Yang in 60 Seconds

Sixty Seconds on Jesus and Mr Piggy

Simeon Stylites in 60 seconds!

Dr Nott and the Queen

Mafia Hitmen at Emmanuel College

Flies, bluebottles and Jesus

Buried Alive for 147 days! His mum, Emma inspired him!

Glenn Hoddle Story – Karma or Grace?

Agnostic? I don’t think so!

Twenty false gods/idols invite you to follow them!

Hendrik Witbooi – Inspiring Soldier

The Extraordinary Story of August Francke (1663-1727)

William Tyndale and Cobblers