Young people learn how to serve a very powerful and hypnotic god. Technology is a good gift from God but can easily become an idol. A bit of background to this.

The famous Russian revolutionary Trotsky (1879-1940) wrote that “Such is the power of science, that the average human-being will become an Aristotle, a Goethe, a Marx.  And beyond this new peaks will rise.” Trotsky believed in the power of science and technology to create a perfect world. He was tragically misled.

In his book Infinite Progress: How the Internet and Technology Will End Ignorance, Disease, Poverty, Hunger, and War author Byron Reese argues that the Internet, human ingenuity, and technological innovation will help humans to end the five tragedies of human existence: ignorance, disease, poverty, hunger and war. With his passionate and pious faith in technological progress, Reese views the future not as a dystopia but as a utopia. Reese has replaced Jesus with Technology. He is a false prophet but many will listen to him.

Christians should be aware that technology can be positive and helpful but increasing use of gadgets and phone addiction can create loneliness, selfishness and high levels of ennui. Faith in Technology will create a very one dimensional, violent and broken world.

Do we put our faith in technology or do we put our faith in Jesus Christ who created the possibility of technology in the beginning?

Mark Roques

Mark Roques

Mark taught Philosophy and Religious Education at Prior Park College, Bath, for many years. As Director of RealityBites he has developed a rich range of resources for youth workers and teachers. He has spoken at conferences in the UK, Holland, South Korea, Spain, Australia and New Zealand. Mark is a lively storyteller and the author of four books, including The Spy, the Rat and the Bed of Nails: Creative Ways of Talking about Christian Faith. His work is focused on storytelling and how this can help us to communicate the Christian faith. He has written many articles for the Baptist Times, RE Today, Youthscape, Direction magazine and the Christian Teachers Journal.