Thanks so much to the Light Church in Bradford which invited me to speak about Celebrity Culture, Discipleship and Evangelism at their Café Theology. Gareth Jones was a superb Master of Ceremonies. I love working with ‘Taffy’. About fifty people attended and we got some great feedback.

Gareth and I believe that the discipleship of young people must connect to our contemporary culture and its distinctive idolatry. The western religion mugs us on a daily basis with a false gospel. It proclaims that physical nature is all there is and enjoying material possessions is all that matters. In this social context we argue the following:

  • Disciples should be able to compare and contrast the western religion with the teaching of Jesus.
  • Disciples should be able to ask great questions about the western religion.
  • Disciples should know about inspiring role models who are resisting the western religion.

In short, we tell dramatic stories and we ask questions before we talk about God and His kingdom.

In conclusion I explained how Gareth and I used this approach in a successful outreach event to homeless men in Leeds. RealityBites is touching lives!

Mark Roques

Mark Roques

Mark taught Philosophy and Religious Education at Prior Park College, Bath, for many years. As Director of RealityBites he has developed a rich range of resources for youth workers and teachers. He has spoken at conferences in the UK, Holland, South Korea, Spain, Australia and New Zealand. Mark is a lively storyteller and the author of four books, including The Spy, the Rat and the Bed of Nails: Creative Ways of Talking about Christian Faith. His work is focused on storytelling and how this can help us to communicate the Christian faith. He has written many articles for the Baptist Times, RE Today, Youthscape, Direction magazine and the Christian Teachers Journal.