Men pay upwards of £1000 to listen to the ‘wisdom’ and ‘insight’ of ‘pick-up’ artist Julien Blanc. His worldview boils down to this: objectify women and use them for your pleasure. Videos of Blanc preaching and ranting can be found online under the hashtag #ChokingGirlsAroundtheWorld.
This is, of course, shocking but it is more shocking that churches and schools do not help young people to understand Blanc’s aggressive faith. We have so trivialised and infantilised faith and belief that we do not help young people to see that Blanc is living in a worldview story. His lifestyle and preaching is thoroughly materialistic and consumeristic. Here is a quick sketch of this popular faith.
- There is no God
- Everything is physical
- You are a selfish calculating machine
- People have no intrinsic value
- Consume other people (vulnerable women) as you would consume a toaster
- You are completely autonomous in your moral behaviour
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