Wouldn’t it be brilliant if Christians were well known for creating the best factories, offices and work places in the UK? How easy it would be to talk about God’s kingdom if we could point to an abundance of stories like this:
Julia Turner is absolutely thrilled with her factory job at the American equivalent of Boots the Chemist – Walgreens. You might be surprised to learn that Julia has Down’s Syndrome. She is one of the many disabled people who have jobs they love – all because of the vision of one man who had a baptised imagination – Randy Lewis.
“I tell you what — I love this job!” she said. “I’m happy, I’m contented. I’ve got people all around me who are the best friends I’ve ever had in the whole world.”
She was asked by the bus driver – “Did you have a good day?”. She answered “I had a wonderful day.”
It is Julia’s joy in her work that is so striking. Meaningful, well-paid work has also brought her friendships and a loving community.
Why aren’t Christians more interested in bringing God’s kingdom into the work place? Have we become so ‘heavenly-minded’ that we lose interest in what goes on in ‘down-to-earth’ factories, warehouses and offices?
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